1. Chuck Lambert checked with Phoenix ll maintenance  and they said they will take care of repair on side window in living room. We will have to follow on this because they are talking about repairing all of the south windows with a major design change. I will send more on this under a separate cover because I believe this will be included in a major project with assessment attached. We did vote to repair like we did on front window if all else fails.

2. Chuck also checked with them concerning the Deck. They said they will be doing work on the decks but I believe this will be part of this major      project with an assessment involved.  

3. Be sure you sign the Guest Book during every visit so we all know who occupied the condo last just in case there is damage. Be sure your family and or guests who use the condo are aware of this procedure and all other procedures concerning the condo. NO PETS AND NO SMOKING!!!!

4. We put in place a system for special Holidays. This will be a work in progress but bottom line we will try to prevent any owner from locking down their favorite week such as Spring Break. Example: My family has this year and we had swapped for next year but we will roll that week to the Graham family if we have the correct date in place. In 2015 if a third family wants Spring Break week then it will be their turn or if there are two families who want it then we will flip a coin. It is pretty complicated but I think we can make it work smoothly.

5. Our annual insurance is due March 1 @ $1,143.00.

6. Air Conditioner replacement. I will get an up to date quote to replace our unit. Our AC folks are due for their spring check and they will let us know if we can get a little more life out of it.

7. Quarterly dues will be increased to $325.00. We added up all monthly set expenses and divided by 12 and determined $325.00 is the number.

8. John Graham is working on getting cost information for us to set up a web site that can be transferred to another user or an additional user. Eston Fain has done an excellent job on our web site but the site is under his name so we have to set up a new site. (John if you can post these minutes on our web site please do and if not please forward to Eston)

Additional subjects:
We voted to remove the land line telephone to offset the cost of the new web site because most of us have a cell phone anyway and never use the codo phone.
We will replace all rubber hoses with steel braided hoses to hopefully prevent water damage in the future.
Chuck to check to be sure front door is painted and he reports that it has been painted.
When we leave the condo we should set thermostat on 75 in the summer and 65 in the winter.
Contact Shelia to take all old items that were left by visitors and owners and to remove old TV’s.
We voted to buy a new 32″ TV for the master bedroom. It has been ordered.

Thanks to all for your involvement,

Larry D   February, 2013